I am not sure I want to apply for that job as it says that over 200 people have already applied for it….
I have never dedicated a blog to someone before so this is a first and this is written for my amazing friend, Lisa.
I have heard this so many times this week. From candidates but also from friends and it breaks my heart. And it also makes me angry and frustrated and sad, and all the other emotions that seem to circle constantly in 2020. So, I am sharing something very important with you here……
What if all the other 200 people have not actually read the job description and they have NO EXPERIENCE WHATSOEVER??
Or 199 of them live in some far flung country that they cannot actually currently leave and if they do, they have to self-isolate in the UK for 14 days and the client needs someone to start a week on Monday?
Or they have some experience but in a different industry and the job is specifically chief taster in mint poppets and they do not like mint?
I recently had a job advertised on LinkedIn. Technical Manager in the food industry based in remote Scotland so the response is never going to be huge unlike the Export / Import role I have in London. But as I glance through the applications, I am seeing words such as Gas, Oil, Engineer, IT, Six Sigma, Purchasing, Project Manager. All of these candidates are possibly very good at what they do but they do not work in food manufacturing. Ask them about BRC, HACCP, Auditing and they will not know because they had not done that job. Ask me about Gas, Oil, IT and yes, I am clueless. So, we only know what we know. And right now, I know there are so many amazing people out there looking for a job. But the only candidate that you should be worried about applying for that job you want, IS YOU!!!
So here is your checklist when applying for a job:
1) If your CV bloody brilliant?
2) Have you read the job description you are applying for thoroughly and is it perfect for you?
3) Is it the right location and the right salary?
4) Are you feeling positive and putting all that positive energy into your application?
5) Great, now submit your CV.
6) Pour yourself a well earned drink that night and wait to hear back.
And if you do not hear back, follow up with a phone call a few days later with all the enthusiasm for the perfect job. In the current climate I am frequently listening to my favourite song by Ben Howard….”Keep your head up, keep your heart strong”. That is my advice to anyone applying for a job as sadly it is not going to get easier any time soon.
So, get playing that song and get dancing in the kitchen my fabulous friend. Xxx.
Email: jo@winhurstrecruitment.co.uk
Tel: 0115 975 6513