Breach of Data Policy, April 2018
The appointed Data Protection Officer at Winhurst Recruitment is Jo Richardson and she is responsible if Winhurst Recruitment believes, or has it confirmed that there has been a breach of data.
The breach will be reported to the IOC within 72 hours of discovering a suspected or confirmed breach.
Next steps will be put in place by the recommendations of the ICO.
Details of the ICO are:
Call our helpline on 0303 123 1113 (local rate – calls to this number cost the same as calls to 01 or 02 numbers).
If you're calling from outside the UK, you may not be able to use our 03 number, so please call +44 1625 545 745.
Personal Data Breach Definition:
Here's where you can report a personal data breach to the ICO. This may include, for example, the loss of a USB stick, data being destroyed or sent to the wrong address, the theft of a laptop or hacking.
To report a breach, call our helpline. Our normal opening hours are Monday to Friday between 9am and 5pm. However, we are closed after 1pm on Wednesdays for staff training. We will record the breach and give you advice about what to do next. For more about how we use your information, see our privacy notice.