Zoom Fatigue.......
Maybe I should have written this a year ago but today feels like the right time. I have complete Zoom fatigue. I am OVER IT! But still every day I turn up, chat to people, do interviews, meet clients, go on training sessions, networking meetings and it is now part of everyday life. The other day I saw myself on the screen (I try to avoid looking at the rounder face thanks to lockdown love handles!) but I caught a glimpse of myself and I have to say, I was embarrassed. I was wearing a hoodie, my hair was scraped back, I was slouched, and I did not look professional at all.
In the last 4 weeks, I have interviewed a lot of candidates based in the USA and every single one of them has been smartly dressed, ALL wearing a suit jacket, all sat up straight, smiling, good background and so professional. And then I think to feedback from some of my clients in the last month or so for UK based roles.
Sat slurping from a water bottle
Sat hugging a cup of something warm.
Wore a hoodie.
Swinging about in the chair.
Language very very relaxed to point where someone actually swore.
And my first thought was……oh my god, this is me!!! This is what I have become with my Zoom fatigue. So, from today on, here is what I do as a minimum on a day where I have a zoom call with WHOEVER.
Behave how I would if I were meeting a client or candidate face to face.
Sit upright and engage with the screen.
No movement of the chair.
Only a glass of water to hand, not a trendy water bottle, cup of hot chocolate that I want to hug which automatically makes me more relaxed and could lead to potential lolling about in my chair!
Presentable background.
Playing with a pen.
Put my glasses on my head.
No hoodies and no wearing of my new T-shirt that says, “Resting Witch Face”.
If I am uncomfortable and fidgeting, I will ask if it is OK for me to change my desk into the standing position which I have literally done right now as my back is hurting.
If you are being interviewed over Zoom my recommendation is dress and act as if you are walking into that company’s reception. Would you carry a Love Island style water bottle? Would you fidget on a chair? NO NO NO!! I know we all have Zoom fatigue but my goodness, we can surely hold our professionalism for one hour at a time? From tomorrow I certainly will be.
Email: jo@winhurstrecruitment.co.uk
Tel: 0115 975 6513